The Stress Overload Solution: A Breakthrough Program that Trains Your Brain for Better Moods, Habits, Relationships, and di Laurel Mellin edito da LIGHTNING SOURCE INC
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The Stress Overload Solution: A Breakthrough Program that Trains Your Brain for Better Moods, Habits, Relationships, and





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Descrizione The Stress Overload Solution: A Breakthrough Program that Trains Your Brain for Better Moods, Habits, Relationships, and

Tired of stress overload? According to New York Times bestselling author and UCSF associate clinical professor Laurel Mellin, Ph.D., the universal pathway to achieve optimal well-being is to wire your brain for joy. Based on the latest science of emotional neuroplasticity, start by learning how to get from high-stress states to joy in under four minutes. Feel the "glow" of endorphins to clear away your stress. Then use the same techniques to switch off negative moods, relationship issues, work frustrations, and unwanted habits. This game-changing book delivers the same breakthrough program used by physicians, nutritionists, and psychologists in groups and coaching nationally. The science behind the method that the book maps out, emotional brain training (EBT), is cutting edge. Its easy-to-learn tools have been shown in peer-reviewed research to produce lasting improvements in happiness, relationships, work coping, blood pressure, weight, and exercise. EBT is a therapy for the 21st century, as it is science-based, and it works! Use the book alone, or access the program's app, coaching, and telegroup options to change your brain's habits. Instead of using common excesses like overspending, technology, or overworking, rewire your brain to satisfy your deepest needs with the seven rewards of a purposeful life: sanctuary, authenticity, vibrancy, integrity, intimacy, spirituality, and freedom. Become wired for joy.

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