Stress Forms of Richard¿s Equation and Global Climatic Changes di El-Shazly M. Hegazy Gazouly edito da LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing
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Stress Forms of Richard¿s Equation and Global Climatic Changes

Soil Stress Index Model (SSIMOD)





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AMUN_SHC was modified to calculate the silicon hydraulic capacitance and mass flow passive silicon uptake, AMUN_SiHC. The latter was achieved by replacing ¿ with ¿_Si. The concept silicon-like- hydraulic capacitance indicates that silicon likes to move passively with water path in accordance with soil water hydraulic capacitance. Accordingly, silicon looks like it has a hydraulic capacitance as water. Therefore, as ¿ may distinguish the compensated and uncompensated water uptake, ¿_Si distinguish water, silicon, and geo-alkaloids uptake under saline and drought conditions in accordance with stress-strain relationships. The fact that silicon is the nutrient element responsible for aiding plants to complete theirs under stress conditions is shown in that research. The data clearly showed the positive interaction between silicon uptake and soil water hydraulic capacitance, water uptake, and geo-alkaloids uptake, but sodium, under abiotic stress conditions. Silicon plays vital roles in reducing the side effects of climatic changes on the agro ecosystem continuum.

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