Strategic Agribusiness Plan di DEHLAH JERRY UFOR edito da Lightning Source Uk Ltd
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Strategic Agribusiness Plan

For the expansion of AGRODYKE Multipurpose Organic fertilizer technology for All Crops & plants





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Descrizione Strategic Agribusiness Plan

The key to success in any business lies first on the drafting and implementation of a good business plan or a written business project. This book is a synthetic road map conceived and written not only for the purpose of achieving a higher academic honour, but to implement the project which will go a long way to promote pure organic agriculture and contribute to economic emergence in Africa. The inspiration of writing the book coincided with the plans and actions of the researcher to blend his skills of training students on business and Finance courses with the practical and industrial aspects of learning business by doing the business itself. Therefore, this document is a yard stick to orientate and inspire the youths and other agro industrial stakeholders who can peruse on it to tap more ideas and strategies on going about their agro industrial businesses and activities. This book is a practical touch light to help prospective entrepreneurs to organize and set up their own agribusiness projects with ease, using the exemplary practical guides on this book on the drafting and implementation of a business project. It is a modern solution to sart ups as well as farmers.

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