Strange Fruit Stories di Tina E. Pope edito da iUniverse
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Strange Fruit Stories

The Untold in One Setting, Volume One







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Descrizione Strange Fruit Stories

Joanna Miller, also known as Joe, lives in Oak Steel, a town where people disappear. If anyone dares question the truth, they are killed-just like her friend, Ms. Annabelle. Despite those who try to stop her, Joe is determined to reveal the true, untold mysteries of Oak Steel. Author Tina Pope shares a collection of short stories based on a variety of cold cases and offering a glimpse inside the criminal mind, as well as the triggers that ultimately cause someone to snap and end a life in cold blood. From the woman who catches her husband cheating and is determined to keep it a secret to the woman who awakens chained to a bed and must determine where she is before someone dies, these stories take you on a dark journey through one violent crime after the other, as the residents of a town slowly become victims of a psychopathic mind at work. Strange Fruit Stories share a compelling look inside a young girl's valiant struggle to understand the world around her as time ticks away in a vicious battle between good and evil.

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