Straight Ahead, as Usual: Education Reforms Put Simply di Logan Patrick Harrison edito da AUTHORHOUSE
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Straight Ahead, as Usual: Education Reforms Put Simply

Education Reforms Put Simply







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Descrizione Straight Ahead, as Usual: Education Reforms Put Simply

This book is about the outmoded educational model in which American children all across the United States continue to be educated with, and why this educational model is crippling the middle-class and slowly putting America behind other emerging economies. Many of the ideas are not novel, nor does this book claim them to be. It is a portrayal, however, of how long many of these ideas have been on the table, have proven to have been effective, but have been killed in legislatures in many of the states and at the federal level. Although it is highly critical of the current education model and the many factions that breathe life into its perpetual existence, this book offers insight into why it is so imperative that citizens begin to become education consumers rather than just bystanders doing what they're told. Finally, it offers some practical advice on how to organize, how to align incentives for citizens to become more engaged in this area, and policy initiatives in which citizens should begin to strongly back at their local legislatures and at the federal level.

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