The Story of the Moors in Spain: A History of the Moorish Empire in Europe; Their Conquest, Book of Laws and Code of Rit di Stanley Lane-Poole edito da LULU PR
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The Story of the Moors in Spain: A History of the Moorish Empire in Europe; Their Conquest, Book of Laws and Code of Rit

A History Of The Moorish Empire In Europe; Their Conquest, Book Of Laws And Code Of Rites







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Descrizione The Story of the Moors in Spain: A History of the Moorish Empire in Europe; Their Conquest, Book of Laws and Code of Rit

This fascinating history book details the Moorish arrival, conquest and rule over Spain and the Iberian peninsula in Europe. We hear of how the Moors arrived and conquered the Iberian peninsula, remaining for some 800 years. Tariq ibn-Ziyad, arriving in 711 AD, began an upheaval never before seen in the European continent. The Moorish brought industriousness and commerce, a sophisticated code of laws, beautiful architecture, and outstanding scholarly achievements in astronomy and mathematics - together, these would forever shape the culture of Spain and Portugal. Stanley Lane-Poole was a historian and archaeologist who worked in partnership with the British Museum for eighteen years. Specializing in Middle Eastern and North African culture and architecture, it was through years of painstaking study and compilation of existing documents that the author was able to compose this, and other histories.

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