Stonewall Speaks di Claude Brown edito da iUniverse
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Stonewall Speaks







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Descrizione Stonewall Speaks

Stonewall Speaks is the fictional depiction of the adventurous but brief life of the famous Confederate general Thomas Jonathan "Stonewall" Jackson. Jackson grew up working on a farm and a corn-grinding mill in Clarksburg, Virginia. His life changes forever when he receives his appointment to attend West Point. Author Claude Brown imagines how actual historical events might have played out during the mid-1800s, as Stonewall's ghost narrates. Stonewall meets his first friend, Ulysses S. Grant, on the train to West Point. At the Academy, he faces conflict with A. P. Hill (a conflict that will turn out to be lifelong). Grant and Stonewall serve together in the Mexican War and (on opposing sides) during the Civil War, where Stonewall shines as Lee's greatest general. The twice-married Jackson receives his famous nickname from General Bernard Bee on the battlefield at First Manassas when Jackson's demeanor inspires Bee to shout to his troops, "Look, men, there is Jackson standing like a stone wall!" General Stonewall bravely commands thousands of soldiers during his military career. Stonewall Speaks will transport you on a fictitious journey through Confederate General Stonewall's circle of life, which includes all those things that are important to a man who must lead his troops to victory--love, friendship, and conflict.

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