Stochastic Benchmarking di Alireza Amirteimoori, Biresh K. Sahoo, Vincent Charles, Saber Mehdizadeh edito da Springer Nature Switzerland AG
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Stochastic Benchmarking

Theory And Applications





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Descrizione Stochastic Benchmarking

This book introduces readers to benchmarking techniques in the stochastic environment, primarily stochastic data envelopment analysis (DEA), and provides stochastic models in DEA for the possibility of variations in inputs and outputs. It focuses on the application of theories and interpretations of the mathematical programs, which are combined with economic and organizational thinking. The book¿s main purpose is to shed light on the advantages of the different methods in deterministic and stochastic environments and thoroughly prepare readers to properly use these methods in various cases. Simple examples, along with graphical illustrations and real-world applications in industry, are provided for a better understanding. The models introduced here can be easily used in both theoretical and real-world evaluations. This book is intended for graduate and PhD students, advanced consultants, and practitioners with an interest in quantitative performance evaluation.

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