I Still Love Him di Tracy-Ann Lewis edito da iUniverse
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I Still Love Him







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Descrizione I Still Love Him

Careen move to kingston to attend college after the tragic daeth of her parents, only to left the one person that she had ever love behind and get married to her school counselor. But everything wasn't all- good after she found out that he is gay. Which had led him into beating and refuse to to have sex are spend any time with her. Her two best friend Destiny and Kerry-Ann all been friends since the basic school but all hell broke loose when Destiny met the love of Kerry-Ann life in miami on one of her vocation and still continue the relationship with him even after she found out that he is her friend boyfriend. Destiny finally break off the relationship when she was six months pregnant in college. She was still determine to tell Kerry-ann about Dwayne and her sleeping around before she get married to a man that she met online and ending falling in love with him are so she thought until she went back to the country for a vocation and reunited with a boy that she once had sex with during the time of having a relationship with Dwayne. all the feelings that she try to hide and ignore has rooted up again.

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