Sticking to My Story: The Alchemy of Storytelling for Startups di Donna Griffit edito da LIGHTNING SOURCE INC
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Sticking to My Story: The Alchemy of Storytelling for Startups

The Alchemy of Storytelling for Startups





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Descrizione Sticking to My Story: The Alchemy of Storytelling for Startups

Discover the Barrier-Breaking Secrets to Crafting Unbeatable Startup Pitches. Unlock the art of storytelling that will captivate investors and give your startup the ultimate edge. In 'Sticking to My Story: The Alchemy of Storytelling for Startups', Donna Griffit, an internationally-renowned Corporate Storyteller, shows you how to create a pitch that leaves investors begging to be a part of your success story. Find out why Tim Draper calls this book the new bible for startup founders. Griffit's A-Z recipe is a treasure trove of storytelling secrets, powerful tips, and captivating anecdotes. Learn from the triumphs and failures of some of the biggest names in Silicon Valley, and understand the art of crafting a pitch that not only compels but also gets results. Inside, you'll discover: - What investors discuss after you leave the room- The 10 most common mistakes startup founders make- Essential elements of a successful pitch deck- How to fundraise, Silicon Valley-style- The secrets to creating your own story-led pitch deck Griffit's philosophy is simple: every founder has a unique and compelling story. Allow her to help you peel back the layers and uncover the hidden potential of your startup narrative. With over 16 years of experience, Griffit has worked with Fortune 500 companies, startups, and investors across 30+ countries, helping them raise over a billion dollars. Take it from Stewart Butterfield, CEO of Slack, who said, "If there's one piece of advice I could go back to give myself, it is concentrating on that storytelling part, on the convincing people. If you can't do that, it doesn't matter how good the product is, it doesn't matter how good the idea was for the market, or what happens in the external factors; you don't have the people believing." Don't miss out on this chance to revolutionize your startup's pitch at any stage of its development. Transform your storytelling skills and give your startup the unfair advantage it deserves. Get your copy of 'Sticking to My Story: The Alchemy of Storytelling for Startups' today and start captivating like never before!

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