Standard Integral Table Algebras Generated by a Non-real Element of Small Degree di M. Muzychuk, Z. Arad edito da Springer Berlin Heidelberg
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Standard Integral Table Algebras Generated by a Non-real Element of Small Degree





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Descrizione Standard Integral Table Algebras Generated by a Non-real Element of Small Degree

of of classes of finite Properties products conjugacy groups 4r6radoldbrancf, This of finite was studied in the 1980's. The group theory. topic intensively book "Products of Classes in edited Z. Arad and [22] Conjugacy Groups," by M. a of the results obtained this Herzog, gives comprehensive picture during period. It realized several authors that this research could be extended to was by of irreducible characters. Werefer the reader to the products papers [1, 2, 11, 13-16,21,23,35,40,51,52,651. In several of these the authors found an between analogy pr- papers of classes and of irreducible characters which led to ucts conjugacy products of table introduced H.L.Blau and Z. Arad in in the notion algebra, by [7], in uniform the of of order to a decomposition products study way conjugacy and irreducible characters of finite Since the classes groups. then, theory in of Z. - of table was H. algebras extensively developed papers Arad, F. D. M.R. E. H. J. isha, Blau, B-dnger, Chillag, Darafsheh, Erez, Fisman, V. M. A. C. and B. Xu Miloslavsky, Muzychuk, Rahnamai, Scopolla [3-5,7- 10,12,17-20,25,29-33,35,41]. Table as be onsidered a class of defined, c special algbras, may C-algbras Y. Kawada and G. Hoheisel table introduced a by [49] [48].:More precisely, where the is a structure constants are Each algebra C-algebra nonnegative. finite two natural table the table of yields algebras: algebra conjugacy group classes and the table of characters.

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