Stakeholders¿ Behaviour Towards Dairy Animal Welfare di Narendra Kumar Khyalia edito da Scholars' Press
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Stakeholders¿ Behaviour Towards Dairy Animal Welfare





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Descrizione Stakeholders¿ Behaviour Towards Dairy Animal Welfare

Animal welfare is such an area of livestock production which magnifies various important dimensions of livestock rearing in terms of well keeping. This book explains the freedoms of animal welfare, reviews of various researches on animal welfare, the research methodology followed in conducting the research on dairy animal welfare, results of the research and discussions. It also explain the socio-economic profile of various stakeholders viz. dairy farmers and animal traders, following good animal welfare practices like feeding, housing, health care, way of milking, calf care, transportation etc. This book also contains the information about the awareness level among the dairy farmers, animal traders and consumers and their attitude towards animal welfare and their opinion for the improvement of animal welfare at the field level. It is hoped that this book will be found very useful by the students, academicians and animal researchers to understand the welfare practices followed by various stakeholders at field level.

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