In Stable Condition di Jaeionah Handy edito da
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In Stable Condition






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Descrizione In Stable Condition

In Stable Condition is a story of a young vibrant girl who beat the odds. After being beaten and left for dead she was able to make a full recovery and was able to find her place in a world so full of poor judgement and people who always seemed to be against her. Even though there were times that she was against herself. In stable condition walks you through the trauma and emotions affiliated with not only witnessing a fatality but also being a proposed victim. Jae'Ionah who is the product of a teen parent suffered a great loss early on in her life. She suffered from and experienced recurrent traumatic incidents and was often placed in situations that would retrigger her time and time again. Through perseverance and therapeutic work; Jae'Ionah is now able to share her story. This story identifies core strengths of resiliency and power. It identifies the cycles of grief and loss. It also identifies the struggles of mental illness and substance induced behaviors. In Stable Condition identifies ways in which this young queen found her voice, strength, and purpose in learning how to live after dying.

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