Sr¿ R¿g K¿ V¿r commentary by Giani Bishan Singh di Kamalpreet Singh Pardeshi edito da
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Sr¿ R¿g K¿ V¿r commentary by Giani Bishan Singh






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Descrizione Sr¿ R¿g K¿ V¿r commentary by Giani Bishan Singh

Sr¿ Gur¿ Granth S¿hib J¿, the eternal Gur¿ has twenty-two ballads within and out of them the initial one is the Sr¿ R¿g K¿ V¿r. This ballad comprises of shabads by the initial five Gur¿s and focuses on the importance of the meditation of the name of God, the importance of the Satgur¿ and controlling the mind. The ballads are important when learning santhiy¿ (correct pronunciation) that an individual reads them initially. This text is a translation of the commentary by Gi¿n¿ Bishan Singh J¿ and also includes his original Punj¿b¿ commentary. Gi¿n¿ Bishan Singh J¿ was very important to the commentaries found today writing them for many Gurb¿n¿ and Ved¿nt compositions. With most of his works being out of print I feel it is important to bring them back into print. The commentary is basic for all to understand and to the point making this commentary accessible for both those who are new to Sikh philosophy as well as advanced seekers.

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