A Sprinkling of Heaven's Dust di Fleming Head Carol Fleming Head, Carol Fleming Head edito da AUTHORHOUSE
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A Sprinkling of Heaven's Dust







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Descrizione A Sprinkling of Heaven's Dust

This book of poems and prose is dedicated to the glory of God and to the people who, over the years, have greatly influenced my life and the lives of those I love. God's love is very real in our family and has sustained us through some very difficult times. He has kept us enveloped in His grace and blessed us in all our endeavors. I owe so much to so many for the love, encouragement and faith they have shown in me. First and foremost, my husband, Bob. He has supported me in this endeavor with love and encouragement through the years and I would never have attempted it without his faith in me. Also, our children and grandchildren have requested this printing through the years and I appreciate them so much. Their lives are reflected in several of the poems and it has been a constant blessing watching them grow into fine adults. We are truly blessed. So many friends have offered encouragement. A special friend, Robin Mull, continued to push me to get started and volunteered to do the typing. Dianne Bauman did the proofreading and suggested corrections where needed. Heather McNutt helped put the final touches in order and prayed with me before we released the finished manuscript to the publisher for printing. I am so blessed in many ways and I pray God will be able to use this book to His glory and that each person who reads it will find a personal inspiration and healing in its pages.

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