Spring Summer Autumn Winter di Yogi Brahmasamhara edito da Austin Macauley Publishers
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Spring Summer Autumn Winter

The Haiku Poetry Of Zen Master Brahm





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Descrizione Spring Summer Autumn Winter

Haiku poetry is a unique form of poetry in that it is regarded in itself as an intrinsic embodiment of ancient Zen philosophy, now powerfully resurgent in both the eastern and western worlds. In Spring Summer Autumn Winter, Zen Master Brahm's collection of monastic haiku places him at the forefront of the few modern haiku poets who write within the classic traditions of the greatest Japanese haiku masters of past centuries. His work has been described as captivating and inspirational and reflects his deep perception of the wonderment of nature and the breadth and beauty of the human condition. Above all, each haiku is a Zen lesson in mindfulness. In essence, this is a book of wisdom.

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