Spring Hill di Mack Lowery edito da WestBow Press
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Spring Hill

Eight Miles South Of Troy





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Descrizione Spring Hill

In 1814 when General Andrew Jackson defeated the Creek Indians at Horse Shoe Bend in Alabama, settlers began making their way to the new area creating "Alabama Fever". Many of these settlers homesteaded the area in Southeast Alabama that would become known as Spring Hill. These Settlers came from Virginia, North and South Carolina, and Georgia, bringing with them a strong work ethic and the determination that their community would not be isolated, that it would be educated, and that religion would thrive. In this moving account Mr. Lowery shares with the reader the importance of the people and community institutions that so positively influenced him for the first twenty one years of his life. Because of community participation these institutions remained strong and influential through the years. The family, churches, and school would cooperate in bringing to fruition the vision of the early settlers set on making Spring Hill a strong and viable community.

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