Split Second Decision di Vickie Swan edito da AuthorHouse
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Split Second Decision







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Descrizione Split Second Decision

Still flustered from her conversation with Jake, Anita entered her father's den. Looking around her at the books and resources the room housed, Anita despaired that she would never measure up to her father, a criminal lawyer known the world over for his work. Flopping down into the cozy leather chair behind the desk, Anita put her head down, neglecting her studies, and concentrated on where she was going to find a date; after all, she had to show Jake she wasn't a prude. Contemplating her next move, Anita made a phone call to her best, and only friend, Carolyn. The word 'opposites' described them to a tee; Carolyn was bouncy, carefree, and outgoing. Nothing bothered her. Anita on the other hand, was studious, predicable, and had a conscious that drove her nuts. She was very much a Miss Priss. Learning of Anita's little dilemma, via Anita's phone conversation, Carolyn burst out laughing. She congratulated her friend on getting out of her little box, and told her not to worry, that everything would be taken care of. Hanging up the phone, Anita felt queasy; she was no longer in control, having given Carolyn the task of finding her a date for the party. She looked around the intimidating room once more before closing its door behind her. Any thought of concentrating on her studies had gone out the window.

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