Splendor from Ashes di Ingrid Rizzolo edito da iUniverse
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Splendor from Ashes

The Poetry of Emergence







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Descrizione Splendor from Ashes

From the heartbreaking ashes of abuse, a poet emerges to share a poignant collection of lyrical verse that details her journey as she moves from shame and brokenness to realize resilience and strength. Ingrid Rizzolo, a seasoned New York City educator, opens her heart and her life in her poetry, revealing an honest and authentic portrayal of the pain, fears, and confusion born out of physical and psychological abuse. With raw emotion and painful vulnerability, Rizzolo describes her transformation after she is betrayed by a handsome Romeo and led down a dark path where she must overcome many obstacles-both internal and external-in order to heal and move forward into the future as a stronger, more confident woman. Splendor from Ashes is a moving compilation of poetry that opens the possibilities and provides hope for anyone suffering from life's most complex challenges. "Dr. Rizzolo has captured the essence of true expression through her poetry that gives one an escape to flirt with their imagination, past memories, and often unspoken thoughts. A must-read for all poetry enthusiasts!" -Dr. Anthony B. Spivey, DBA, professor

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