Spiritual Progress: Five Inspiring Essays by Mystical Thinkers of the 17th Century di Francois Fenelon, Madame Jeanne Guyon, Pere Lacombe edito da WHITAKER HOUSE
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Spiritual Progress: Five Inspiring Essays by Mystical Thinkers of the 17th Century

Five Inspiring Essays By Mystical Thinkers Of The 17th Century





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Descrizione Spiritual Progress: Five Inspiring Essays by Mystical Thinkers of the 17th Century

A collection of five inspiring essays by three closely linked mystical thinkers of the seventeenth century--François Fénelon, Madame Jeanne Guyon, and Père Lacombe--whose focus on the availability of intimacy with God made them scandalous in their day. "Christian Counsel" and "Spiritual Letters," by Archbishop Fénelon, offer wise advice on how to find the keys to true devotion and peace. "Method of Prayer" and "On the Way to God," by Fénelon's close friend, Madame Guyon, demonstrate the critical importance of constant prayer. "Spiritual Maxims," by Père Lacombe, the spiritual mentor of Madame Guyon, emphasizes the importance of expressing a passionate love for God. Each stirring work is divided into short chapters, making Spiritual Progress ideal for morning or evening devotions or for Bible study. This treasured collection of classic Christian wisdom is certain to lead readers closer to the heart of God.

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