Spirit-Word-Community: Theological Hermeneutics in Trinitarian Perspective di Amos Yong edito da WIPF & STOCK PUBL
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Spirit-Word-Community: Theological Hermeneutics in Trinitarian Perspective

Theological Hermeneutics in Trinitarian Perspective





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Descrizione Spirit-Word-Community: Theological Hermeneutics in Trinitarian Perspective

The main thesis of Spirit-Word-Community is that Christian theological reflection in a postmodern world starts with the experience of the Holy Spirit, but is at the same time post-foundationalist in terms of being formed by the word and being adjudicated by various communities of interpretation. Yet the book's hermeneutical and methodological proposals are not merely prolegomena to theology but already involve and assume theologically substantive claims derived from a pneumatological point of view. Hence, this is a pneumatological theology which illuminates the hermeneutical process precisely by showing how the Holy Spirit engages the human imagination to empower liberative practices in a world that remains graced by her presence and activity. Spirit-Word-Community is meant in each of these senses to be a contribution to the formulation of a comprehensive theology of the Third Article for the twenty-first century.

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