Spirit Walking for the Rune Mystic: An Introduction to Working in the Spirit Realms di Frank A. Runaldrar edito da LIGHTNING SOURCE INC
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Spirit Walking for the Rune Mystic: An Introduction to Working in the Spirit Realms

An Introduction To Working In The Spirit Realms





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Descrizione Spirit Walking for the Rune Mystic: An Introduction to Working in the Spirit Realms

Our fascination with spirits dates back to the most ancient of times. It spans across time and tradition. Humanity has long been fascinated with spirits, seeking answers, knowledge, power and companionship. The thrill of the spirit has called out to so many. It calls to you now. Will you answer its call?The ancient Norse arts of Seiðr provide extensive insights into working with spirits. These highly involved and complex practices have been laid clear and are provided here for use by the modern-day practitioners who wish to avail themselves of this most mysterious spiritual art.'Spirit Walking for the Rune Mystic' dives into the reality where walking in the spirit world is not only possible but made accessible even to the novice practitioner. It looks at the nature of spirits and introduces you to methods of making contact, interacting with and growing alongside selected spirits.Drawing from Ancient Arts of Norse Seidr, you will learn how to walk within the spirits in their own realities, how to allow them to walk in yours, build them an energy body (Hamr) so they can function in this reality, exchange energy with them, merge your consciousness with theirs, and for the adventurous, have the opportunity to discover the most exciting and secret practices of spirit sex.The author invites you to share a most fascinating journey deep within the hidden potential of all human beings and walk within more than just your daily reality. The 'Spirit Walking for the Rune Mystic' is your call. Will you accept the invitation. Will you answer the call of the spirit walker?

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