Spinoza And Relational Autonomy edito da Edinburgh University Press
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Spinoza And Relational Autonomy

Being With Others





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'Autonomy is an absolutely central element in Spinoza's metaphysics, ethics and political philosophy. This volume, with insightful essays by both seasoned and younger scholars, not only offers new perspectives on the nature of autonomy in Spinoza, but also shows once again his relevance for contemporary philosophical themes.' Steven Nadler, University of Wisconsin-Madison, author of Spinoza: A Life Integrates Spinoza's thought into the contemporary debate on interpersonal relationships and individual autonomy The question of how to understand autonomy has emerged as a critical issue in contemporary political philosophy. Feminists and others argue that autonomy cannot be adequately conceived without taking into consideration the ways in which it is shaped by our relationships with others. This collection of ten new essays contributes to this debate by showing what a close examination of Baruch Spinoza's thought can add to our understanding of the relational nature of autonomy. Being with others is the key to cultivating individual autonomy: this is Spinoza's revolutionary thought. Aurelia Armstrong is Lecturer in Philosophy at the University of Queensland. Keith Green is Professor of Philosophy at East Tennessee State University. Andrea Sangiacomo is Assistant Professor of History of Philosophy at the University of Groningen. Cover image: Sy, oil painting by Francesco Lombardo, 2013 © Francesco Lombardo www.francescolombardo.com Cover design: riverdesignbooks.com

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