Spiderman Iii : Of Birds Of Prey & Creeping Things di John Landau edito da Lulu.com
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Spiderman Iii : Of Birds Of Prey & Creeping Things

Of Birds of Prey & Creeping Things







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Descrizione Spiderman Iii : Of Birds Of Prey & Creeping Things

Spiderman is back! With over 70 original black and white photo illustrations, giving it a very comic-book, broadside feel! In light and springy verse that carries through adventure with élan and drama! Now his nemesis the Vulture comes to haunt the town with gory carnage! Can Spiderman defeat this wrathful foe? And at what cost? Peter will pay the ultimate price, give up his very heart to save the city! Come watch a hero weep, and earn his hard-won laurels with a sacrifice. Will he ever be the same? Tune in and see! Once again, poet John Landau translates pop culture into the eternal carnival-speech of verse, taking you on a rollicking ride through the webhead's bumpy life, to set a new adventure on its sail! The sequel to "Of men and spiders sing", the origin-song, and "Of sand and strands, unspindle", facing him with the slippery villain of sand, Spiderman III continues this tangled romp of acrobatics, agile pugilism, and quips and capers!Romance, adventure, and tragedy. For all ages.

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