Special Operations Group (India) edito da Betascript Publishing

Special Operations Group (India)





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Descrizione Special Operations Group (India)

Please note that the content of this book primarily consists of articles available from Wikipedia or other free sources online. The 1000-strong Special Operations Group, an elite anti-militancy force of the Jammu and Kashmir Police. The Special Operations Group was raised in 1994 with the idea of 'involving the passive Jammu and Kashmir Police in the anti-terrorist activities and giving a local face to these operations'. The recruits are young men from all the regions of the state and reflect Jammu and Kashmir's various ethnic groups: Kashmiris, Gujjars, Dogras and Sikhs. Many of them are the victims of militancy in the state.The SOG was a volunteer force comprising police officers and policemen. The volunteers came for different reasons: some genuinely wanted to fight the militancy of the anti-India outfits, while some were lured by the incentives offered.

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