Southern Voices A Book Of Short Stories di Hunter Laura Hunter edito da Bluewater Publishing
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Southern Voices A Book Of Short Stories

A Book of Short Stories





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Descrizione Southern Voices A Book Of Short Stories

There's a certain energy in the South...that feeling that you can't get anywhere else. The people, the language, the land-they all lend themselves to rich, unforgettable stories. Laura Hunter is a master storyteller who captures not only the romance of life in the South, but also the pain and grittiness. The stories in this collection give glimpses into the lives of fascinating characters-stories of life, death, love, and loss, of dreams shattered and hopes rebuilt. Through it all, Hunter weaves a common thread that remains with the reader long after the book is closed. Containing award-winning stories, such as: ¿ Moon Shadows Dancing - Scott and Zelda Fitzgerald Award ¿ A Widow's Mite - Patricia Boatner Award; Tennessee Mountain Writers ¿ She (Carter's Woman) - H E Francis Award; University of Alabama, Huntsville Campus, Harriet Arnow Award for Short Stories - Appalachian Writers Association ¿ Waiting for the Pink - Hackney Award; Birmingham Southern College

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€ 17.76€ 18.70
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