South Asian Women Writers Breaking the Tradition of Silence: An analysis of selected narratives on violence against wome di Roxana Palade edito da Anchor Academic Publishing
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South Asian Women Writers Breaking the Tradition of Silence: An analysis of selected narratives on violence against wome

An Analysis Of Selected Narratives On Violence Against Women In India, Pakistan And Bangladesh





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Descrizione South Asian Women Writers Breaking the Tradition of Silence: An analysis of selected narratives on violence against wome

This study analyses the exceptional narratives of five South Asian women writers who uncover hidden manifestations of male violence against women. Their vehement struggle for the attention on gender-based violence is transferred into literary representations that give the impression of an avalanche of feelings impatiently waiting to be transformed into words after a long-endured silence. In analysing the possibilities and consequences of disrupting the silence on male violence, this study discusses the costs and the chances of success of such a non-conformist endeavour.

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