The Soul Support Book di Deb Koffman edito da Storey Books

The Soul Support Book


Storey Books





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Descrizione The Soul Support Book

Think of Deb Koffman as a guru with a great sense of humor. She's deep, she's funny, she's inspiring. Deb gets her point across fast through bold, colorful cartoons, each accompanied by just a single line of text. Every spread is a mini-meditation, visually exploring common words of wisdom such as, "There's always another way, " "Follow your intuition, " and "Seek new perspectives." Deb's fresh insights into these concepts are sure to make you smile and say, "Oh, yes, I've been there." Deb wasn't trained as an artist or a writer, but you'd never know it by looking at her cartoons. She favors big blocks of color, comical cartoon faces, and pairs of happy feet in magical red shoes. The combination of whimsical drawings with insightful copy lines is simply brilliant. These cartoons are the kind of thing you'll want to tape to your refrigerator, use as a screen saver on your computer, even carry around in your pocket for those moments when your soul could use a lift. Deb's cartoons are drawn from her own life experience, but the truths they convey--be more joyful, be more loving, live a creative life, don't be afraid to take a chance--apply to everyone. Such universality makes The Soul Support Book a perfect gift for grads, newlyweds, new moms (and new dads), job changers, or anyone else in the midst of a life-altering transition. Everyone in the office thinks The Soul Support Book should be a fixture in every doctor's waiting room--it's a guaranteed stress reliever. Some early readers have described The Soul Support Book as "a contemporary survival guide." That strikes us as right on the money: Deb's observations are wise and witty, encouraging and reassuring, and so darn true you'll wonderwhy you didn't think of them yourself.

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