Son of Saints: My Challenge and Growth di D. Carl Smith edito da TWO HARBORS PR
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Son of Saints: My Challenge and Growth





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Descrizione Son of Saints: My Challenge and Growth

Captions The captions here represent and capsulize key themes, modalities, and the essence of African-Centered Thought (Afrocentricity), Including the ever increasing avail of supporting research and scholarship of the related data. We must be reminded that the omitted and misunderstood pages of African History are the missing and confusing pages of World History. "Consciousness growth is much more than a mere departure from ignorance" but, must include "expanded awareness in truth" Spirituality exists beyond the material state of sensibility... In ancient Kemet, a system of education known as the "Mysteries System" has as its foundation a nexus between the spiritual and material accountability for existence. As impactful as formal education is on the individual, general culture may have a much greater impact than all the grade schools, colleges, universities and "formal bastions of organized education" combined.

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