Sometimes I Daydream di Richard Adcock edito da iUniverse
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Sometimes I Daydream

A Collection of Poetry







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Descrizione Sometimes I Daydream

... I see the world differently. I see famous people. Rich, poor, the great, And the not so great. Some die young, And others die old. Some have many friends, And others don't. It's not my purpose to ask why. It's not my purpose to understand. I must somehow find My own purpose in life. Since the death of his sister in 2013, Richard Adcock has been searching for the meaning of life and answers to life's greatest questions through poems that explore grief, loneliness, and pain and consider whether God really understands the human heart. With a raw and emotionally honest style, Adcock shares poignant reflections that contemplate his search for a purpose, his past, the consequences of unhealthy choices, the joys of new life, and the journey of death. Through his moving poems, Adcock demonstrates to others that no matter what our challenges, we are all in this life together. Sometimes I Daydream offers a lyrical glimpse into one man's walk through his trials as he works through loss, questions his purpose, and learns to view the world differently.

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