Some Nonlinear Problems in Riemannian Geometry di Thierry Aubin edito da Springer Berlin Heidelberg
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Some Nonlinear Problems in Riemannian Geometry





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During the last few years, the field of nonlinear problems has undergone great development. This book consisting of the updated Grundlehren volume 252 by the author and of a newly written part, deals with some important geometric problems that are of interest to many mathematicians and scientists but have only recently been partially solved. Each problem is explained, up-to-date results are given and proofs are presented. Thus, the reader is given access, for each specific problem, to its present status of solution as well as to the most up-to-date methods for approaching it. The main objective of the book is to explain some methods and new techniques, and to apply them. It deals with such important subjects as variational methods, the continuity method, parabolic equations on fiber.

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