Solona di Aurora Ceriales edito da AuthorHouse
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A Mother's Prayer







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Descrizione Solona

This is a story of a beautiful, young girl who had a dream of attending school but circumstances forced her to marry at a very young age. She was lucky in love- her husband loved her with all his heart and gave her 3 wonderful sons and a pretty daughter. Her life was her family but her happiness was interrrupted when the war broke. Her husband was enlisted in the military to fight against the Japanese and never made to come home after the war. Solona had to struggle to support her children but she never faltered, always had hopes for a better future. It was her faith in God that carried her through She was able to put all her children in colleges and universities. Her sons and daughters were schooled far from home and would come home on school breaks only. Solona was alone and married the second time but that marriage failed , leaving her to support 3 more daughters and 2 more sons.Inspite of what happened, she loved her children and never ever consider them as her added burden. As faith had it, she met Luis who was kind and was ready to suport all her children. Her third marriage was a happy one. All her children loved and respected their stepfather. Solona who was better off financially when she married Luis, sent underprivilege children to school. It was her way of fulfilling her dreams when she was young. Solona died at age 81, leaving her greatest legacy to her children- Her unweavering faith in God.

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