Solidary Economy and Social Technologies in the Brazilian Context di Daniel Francisco Nagao Menezes edito da Scholars' Press
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Solidary Economy and Social Technologies in the Brazilian Context





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Descrizione Solidary Economy and Social Technologies in the Brazilian Context

This book seeks to analyze the relationship between Social Technologies and the Solidarity Economy in the current Brazilian context. The text presents the central concepts of Solidarity Economy and Social Technologies seeking to identify the points of connection between the two concepts, understanding that for this it is necessary to use the Theory of Socio-Technical Adequacy, aiming to balance the relationship between the concepts and respect the diversity among the several solidarity economy enterprises in Brazil. The text concluded that, due to the existing relations between man and the technological artifact, the existence of a group of workers endowed with self-esteem, agency and, therefore, substantial freedoms, is something necessary for the flourishing of a Social Technology within the scope of a Solidary Economy Enterprise.

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