Solid waste management in water-based community: the case of Chnok Tru di Sok Khanpisey, Kheang Ratana edito da LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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Solid waste management in water-based community: the case of Chnok Tru

The Case Of Chnok Tru





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Descrizione Solid waste management in water-based community: the case of Chnok Tru

This is the first time i have blurb for this book. It is the first research about solid waste management in water-based community which provide the basic information how floating village control their daily waste and what is the keg challenges to take action in the community. It is so important to think about water resource as Tonle Sap Lake is. Providing more environmental education to local people about waste issue and waste management is countless benefit which high potential for local issue management. I do think that this book will guide you more about current waste issue in Tonle Sap Lake, Cambodia. This book will touch the heart of readers.

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