The socioeconomic situation of female headed household di Tesfanesh Tadesse Tekelhaimanot edito da LAP Lambert Acad. Publ.
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The socioeconomic situation of female headed household

the case of Bole Sub-city in Addis Ababa





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Descrizione The socioeconomic situation of female headed household

The research has focused on the socio-economic situation of female headed households. It identifies factors that make women to be a lone mother. It costs light on their socio-economic situation and the problems of heads of FHH. It has discuses the coping strategies adopted to tackle the problems Among the various factors that result in being female headed households, divorce took a large share. Financial problems, infidelity, sexual incompatibility, drunkenness of husbands and different abuses perpetrated against wives lead to the disruption of marriage. Moreover, the death of husband, childbearing outside the wedlock, abandonment by a partner, separation and polygamous marriage are also identified reasons for the emergence of causing female headship. Female headed households are living in different socio-economic condition. Regarding their economic conditions, the majority are self-employed while others are employed, wage earner, and unemployed. As found out in the research in relation to their occupation, most of them are engaged in petty trading activities while others are office workers, and daily laborers.

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