Social Revolutions in Small States di David Fistein edito da VDM Verlag
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Social Revolutions in Small States

A Comparative Study of Bavaria, Cuba, Guinea-Bissau, Haiti, and Hungary


VDM Verlag





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Descrizione Social Revolutions in Small States

This study compares and analyzes the causes of Social Revolutions in five case studies spanning two centuries from a state-centered historical perspective. The case studies are Haiti (1791-1804), Bavaria (1918), Hungary (1918), Cuba (1956-9), and Guinea-Bissau(1963-74). The study has modified a framework devised by Theda Skocpol (1979) focusing on a conjuction of the following variables: state-breakdown,international environment, the economy, social structure,and local politics. I have added the distinctive features of small states. The argument is that small states are unique, and their revolutions can not be adequately explained by analyses of France, Russia, or China. The importance of leaders and domestic politics in spite of the political and economic dependence of small states stand out through this approach as key causal variables that are generally not discussed in other studies. Also, small states are often able to influence the international system as much it influences them. This book takes the reader on a journey to distant and fascinating places during perilous times, when the best and the worst in humans comes out.

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