The Social Production of Scientific Knowledge edito da Springer Netherlands
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The Social Production of Scientific Knowledge

Yearbook 1977





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Descrizione The Social Production of Scientific Knowledge

I: The Institutionalisation of the Sciences: Changing Concepts and Approaches in the History and Sociology of Science.- The Social Construction of Scientific Knowledge.- The Social Construction of Science: Institutionalisation and Definition of Positive Science in the Latter Half of the Seventeenth Century.- Problems of a Historical Study of Science.- Scientific Ideology and Scientific Process: The Natural History of a Conceptual Shift.- II: Social Relations of Cognitive Structures in the Sciences.- Ontological and Epistemological Commitments and Social Relations in the Sciences: The Case of the Arithmomorphic System of Scientific Production.- Cognitive Norms, Knowledge- Interests and the Constitution of the Scientific Object: A Case Study in the Functioning of Rules for Experimentation.- Changes in the Social and Intellectual Organisation of the Sciences: Professionalisation and the Arithmetic Ideal.- What Does a Proof Do If It Does Not Prove? A Study of the Social Conditions and Metaphysical Divisions Leading to David Bohm and John von Neumann Failing to Communicate in Quantum Physics.- III: Social Goals, Political Programmes and Scientific Norms.- The Political Direction of Scientific Development.- Scientific Purity and Nuclear Danger: The Case of Risk-Assessment.- Creation vs Evolution: The Politics of Science Education.

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