Social Development Needs of Children Exposed to Armed Conflict di Jecinta Muigai edito da LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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Social Development Needs of Children Exposed to Armed Conflict

A case of Post-election Violence in Kenya





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Descrizione Social Development Needs of Children Exposed to Armed Conflict

Millions of children are forced to grow up in the midst of armed conflict. The situation during conflict has many negative effects on children. majority of these children not only suffer from lack of basic needs such as food, clothing and shelter, but also from psychological needs such as feeling of fear, loss of family and friends, anxiety, depression among others. There are several studies that have documented the physical and the mental needs of children in war tone zones, however, there is little focus on the social development needs of children living in conflict areas. Therefore, there was great need to explore on the social development needs of children exposed to conflict. The insights in this book will be of great help to those working directly with children, the caregivers of these children and communities in conflict zones. In ensuring that children affected by conflict receive holistic care, will help them build a better future both for themselves and their communities.

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