So Let Her be Written: She'll ignite the known world di G. Duda edito da MILL CITY PR INC
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So Let Her be Written: She'll ignite the known world

She'll ignite the known world





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Descrizione So Let Her be Written: She'll ignite the known world

Acacia was born with a destiny she knows nothing about. After witnessing a brutal slaughter of an innocent village she embraces a call from the gods and becomes the conqueror Queen of the ancient matriarchal kingdom of Alosia. Gallo, Alosia's aged seer, procures for her an enchanted sword named Apocalypse. Armed with this weapon, a zeal for justice, and the desire to protect the innocent, Acacia seeks to abolish oppression from the earth. Modern day author, James Cole, believes Acacia is his creation, but He's tapped into more than he realizes. With an ancient artifact from his archeologist grandmother, he inadvertently summons Acacia from 3600 years ago. She's initially hostile until he figures out how to send her back. Missing her he summons her again and this time they fall in love. Even so, she insists on returning to her world and calling. Back in her world pregnant, she bears a daughter who she grooms to be her successor. History is altered as the drama plays out. Acacia ends up immortal and continues her war against evil in the modern world.

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