Smallholder Farmers' Use Of Ict To Agricultural And Market Information di Gurmu Bayissa Urgesa edito da Lap Lambert Academic Publishing
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Smallholder Farmers' Use Of Ict To Agricultural And Market Information





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Providing access to information help farmers to increase their agricultural productivity and put them in a favorable market position in relation to other actors. Hence primary sources of information such as agricultural extension workers should be updated with agricultural and market information, how to collect and disseminate accurate and timely information to the farmers. This could be done through upgrading their skill or on job training by agricultural offices or other bodies working on agriculture and market information dissemination. As most farmers who are selling their produce to cooperatives in primary market get more price benefit than those who sale to small traders, the cooperatives should attract and bring them to the membership through price incentives. There should be a coordinated way of improving technological infrastructure (both telecommunication network and Electricity) between Ethio telecom and Electric power corporation in order to solve network and power disruption so that farmer can adopt and get access to the ICT.

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