Slovak fly ash as cement substitution in the concrete road pavements di Marcela Ondová, Nadezda stevulová edito da LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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Slovak fly ash as cement substitution in the concrete road pavements





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Descrizione Slovak fly ash as cement substitution in the concrete road pavements

Continual industrialization has resulted in increased use of natural resources, which has also brought along serious ecological and environmental imbalance due to the dumping of industrial wastes. Principles of sustainable construction have to be accepted with regard to the consumption of natural resources and the production of harmful emissions. The replacing of cement in concrete mixtures with more sustainable materials is necessary. Over a period of last ten years, the image of fly ash has completely been changed from a "waste" to "resource material". Fly ash if segregated, collected and used properly can solve the major problems of cement use with a number of benefits: extends the life cycle of concrete, reduces energy use and also the amount of coal combustion products disposed in landfills. Book demonstrates the suitability of using Slovak fly ash as cement replacement in the construction industry, especially in concrete road pavements. Conclusions have been prepared based on assessment results in the following fields: quality of concretes, impact of hazardous elements on humans, economic indicators and LCA results of tested concretes.

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