Slide 68 di Anthony von Mickle edito da iUniverse
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Slide 68

86 Your Current Life and Pursue the Lifestyle You've Been Dreaming of







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Descrizione Slide 68

Mediocrity-the act of simply existing-can reveal the clock on a ticking time bomb in your life. How long must you run in the rat race while watching others enjoy the lives of your fantasies? Slide 68: 86 Your Current Life and Pursue the Lifestyle You've Been Dreaming Of offers a day-by-day, thought-by-thought illustration of how author Anthony Von Mickle exchanged his comfortable six-figure salary for his dream life. What he sacrificed at first seemed like too much to bear, but in the end, there was no price not worth paying for complete control of one's sanity. He reminds us that the best way to predict the future is to create it. Each chapter provides real-life examples of problems that Von Mickle encountered en route to his dream life and how he overcame them. He demonstrates that the answers to his problems were not unique to his situation and that he had the mindset required to conquer any obstacles he met. He has highlighted important points throughout this guide in slide 68 mindset boxes, which provide essential take-away points. Slide 68 shares a detailed, personal journey that educates, entices, and inspires everyone to settle on not settling.

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