Skate, Me and the Big Gray Sea di Renee Hinchey edito da Izzy and Jack
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Skate, Me and the Big Gray Sea





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Descrizione Skate, Me and the Big Gray Sea

A delightful rhyming story that beautifully illustrates the challenges of starting school and having color vision deficiency . Through the eyes of a young child, we see how love and kindness make all the difference in dealing with an exceptionality. This light-hearted story is meant to entertain as well as educate others about colorblindness, highlighting the unique traits that make us different but yet connect us all. Did you know that there will be at least one child with color vision deficiency in every classroom? Most teachers have not had training in color blindness and some won't know that there are different types and varying degrees. Color blindness could be considered a disability by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and there might be accommodations that can be put in place to assist in the classroom. If you suspect that your child is colorblind, seek guidance from a medical professional, and let educators working with your child know. Talk to your child about self advocacy and empower them to speak up.

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