The Six-Day Financial Makeover di Robert Pagliarini edito da St. Martins Press-3PL
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The Six-Day Financial Makeover

Transform Your Financial Life In Less Than A Week!





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Descrizione The Six-Day Financial Makeover

In six short days you can and will experience a total financial transformation! There are truckloads of investing and personal finance books available. What makes this one different? You'll learn how to develop a compelling financial vision for your life, quickly put your savings on autopilot, maximize your success by investing with a purpose, survive when disasters strike, and protect your loved ones in a way that's simple, effective, and fun. This isn't just another personal finance book-one that rehashes the same tired financial rules of thumb and glib investment advice. Financial Motivator Robert Pagliarini provides specific guidance that cuts through the "financial fog"-complex jargon and wishy-washy advice-that makes it hard for people to understand and implement positive financial changes in their lives. More than a book, The Six-Day Financial Makeover will not only show you exactly what you need to do to radically improve your finances, but it will also help you easily implement the advice . . . in just six days!

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