Simply Bev... di James H. Cox edito da iUniverse
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Simply Bev...

Determination Is Everything







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Descrizione Simply Bev...

This biography of Beverly Kimes, was written by her beloved husband, Jim Cox. This is not a book about the illustrious career of Beverly Kimes, first woman editor of Automobile Quarterly, renowned author, or the foremost classic car historian of her time. But, a story about Beverly Kimes; daughter, sister, friend, mentor, wife, and inspiration to women and men who had the distinct honor of having her be part of their lives. Determination is everything. This was her mantra, the creed that she lived by from the time she was a small girl growing up West Chicago, until the day she died in 2008. Beverly Kimes was a woman on a mission: to do whatever it was she was destined to do (and she did plenty!) by taking on a leadership role, and helping those who travelled with her. This biography chronicles Beverly's early years, taken from copious notes, letters and pictures found in numerous personal scrapbooks saved over the years. It follows her adult life in New York, through her rise up the ranks to editor of Automobile Weekly, her notoriety as an automobile historian, and life with her husband, family and friends. How does someone so determined for greatness, make it happen in a career she initially knew nothing about? When she went to her interview with Scott Baily at Automobile Quarterly, she told him, "The only thing I know about automobiles, is that I have a driver's license." This inspiring story is about a woman, in a man's world, overcoming odds, getting involved, and touching the hearts of all types of people worldwide along the way. The road to greatness was not easy for Beverly, in fact it took its rocky turns. Life was filled with obstacles due to illness, circumstances, or just plain fate. But she travelled on, nonetheless, with dignity and style. And for all who had come to know and love her, it was a hell of a ride!

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