Simple Thoughts - Simple Pleasures: Color Your World with Words di Cynthia "Cookie" Viloria edito da AUTHORHOUSE
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Simple Thoughts - Simple Pleasures: Color Your World with Words

Color Your World With Words







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Descrizione Simple Thoughts - Simple Pleasures: Color Your World with Words

We find ourselves so busy that we don't take the time to enjoy simple pleasures. Listening to the birds in the morning hours, taking a walk on the beach or even watching a lovely sunset. When was the last time you did any of these things? This book focuses on some of these little things that brings us much pleasure, yet we take them for granted. It paints a picture in your mind or offers you an escape to mentally be transferred to other more peaceful surroundings. Allow yourself to be transported to a lake watching still blue water or maybe a nice Fall day where the leaves are blowing from trees. Or maybe just sit back and watch children at play and really listen to their laughter. You see, these are simple things, yet they can also be priceless and so healthy for your mental, emotional, and physical well-being. I hope you will take a moment and escape with me. Enjoy.

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