Simon The Spider's Adventure di Ann Graham Smith edito da Austin Macauley Publishers
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Simon The Spider's Adventure





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Descrizione Simon The Spider's Adventure

Simon is a very friendly, inquisitive little spider who lives with his family in the garden of Mr and Mrs Wright's house. Simon really enjoys finding out about his surroundings and where better to explore than a lovely big leafy garden filled with flowers, bees, butterflies and all manner of fascinating and interesting things for him to find out about.In this story, Simon finds an intriguing way into the house. This excites Simon's curiosity and the further he wends his way through the little dark crevices and tunnels, the more appealing it is to Simon. He really wants to find out more about what it looks like inside the house, what happens inside, how the people live there and what they do in the house. Is it different to how Simon, his mummy and his brothers and sisters live in their cosy little den? Find out as you travel with Simon on this journey. Will Simon's curiosity lead him into danger?Simon learns an important lesson!

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