The Significance of the Eucharistic Theology inAfrica Today di James Yamekeh Ackah edito da VDM Verlag
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The Significance of the Eucharistic Theology inAfrica Today


VDM Verlag





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Descrizione The Significance of the Eucharistic Theology inAfrica Today

What type of theology does Africa need today? Is it Inculturation or Liberation theology? Inculturation and Liberation theology should been seen as two sides of the same coin. They are complementary and are not opposed to each other. The combination of the strengths of both theologies (Contemporary African Theology) could help Africans live out Christianity authentically within their cultural milieu and integrate Christianity into their religious personality and heritage. To what extent can the Eucharist be considered as sacrifice and meal? What are the similarities between the Eucharist and the African concept of sacrifice and communal meal. What can they learn from each other? We shall attempt to use African Contemporary Theology as a basis of dialogue between the Eucharistic Theology and the African concept of sacrifice and meal.

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