Show Well, Sell Well: 103 Simple, Low-Cost Things to Do That Will Help Your Property Show and Sell Its Best di Romance Dawn Romance, Dawn Romance edito da AUTHORHOUSE
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Show Well, Sell Well: 103 Simple, Low-Cost Things to Do That Will Help Your Property Show and Sell Its Best

103 Simple, Low-Cost Things to do That Will Help Your Property Show and Sell its Best



Claytor, David




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Descrizione Show Well, Sell Well: 103 Simple, Low-Cost Things to Do That Will Help Your Property Show and Sell Its Best

You are selling your what? Regardless of the reasons why, you need to get your property ready to sell. Where to start? What are the best things to do? What can you afford to do? It can seem like a lot, but it's definitely doable even on low cost budget. With a touch of humor this book walks you through simple and low cost things anyone can do when selling their home. Some things cost nothing, like wiping down the tree debris that accumulates at your front entrance. Other things, like pressure washing the driveway, may cost a bit more, but are definitely worth the investment. All of it I promise does wonders for how a prospective buyer views your home. By addressing the show stoppers, you move yourself that much closer to getting your property sold!

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