Show Don't Tell: A Guide to Purpose Driven Speech di Jeri Warren edito da JERIANNE WARREN
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Show Don't Tell: A Guide to Purpose Driven Speech





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Descrizione Show Don't Tell: A Guide to Purpose Driven Speech

No matter where you see yourself, the yellow brick road that leads you there is paved with effective verbal communication. If you learn to inform, persuade, entertain and inspire, the road will have fewer flying monkeys. It's easier and quicker to text, tweet or Facebook than it is to leave a voice mail or talk face-to-face. But, the easier it is to communicate with fingers, the more difficult it is to speak comfortably and effectively with our mouths.This book is not only a guide to public speaking, but a personal tool to help with everyday communication. "Show Don't Tell" shows you how to make verbal communication comfortable, be it before one person or 1,000. This book gives you advice as if you were talking to a friend, which places you in an atmosphere of security while learning to share rather than fear. Using exercises, templates and examples, "Show Don't Tell" shows the steps needed to take the giant leap from the back row to the podium.

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